At Kennel Lane School, preparing young people for life after they leave us is an important part of our Curriculum. For the ‘Employability’ aspect of our TALENTS curriculum, Kennel Lane School is working with several external agencies and businesses including Talentino, a Matrix accredited external career Development Company affiliated to the professional body The Career Development Institute and specialising in the career development of young people with SEND.

Selected staff at school have been trained by Talentino to deliver the careers programme – Careers at Every Level – which includes classroom based career coaching, work experience, employer engagement, employability skills development and business enterprise.

In addition, we offer access to:

  • Working Experience
  • Supported Employment Provision
  • Employer led activities
  • Special local programmes students engage in or are offered by local employers
  • Year 11 and Year 13 links to Bracknell and Wokingham College
  • Our Enterprise business, Green Leaves
  • Volunteering
  • A Supported Internship Programme for selected Year 14’s run by Addington School
  • Social Action Enterprise

The Careers programme delivers against the 8 Gatsby benchmarks and we use the Compass tool to establish our progress and make plans to improve further.

We ensure our parents, staff and young people find out the latest news of our careers programme through regular newsletters, emails, coffee mornings and transition fairs.

We work with the local Enterprise Coordinator and Enterprise Adviser to offer more employer encounters for our learners.

For further information, please see our Careers Long Term Plans.

To support you and your young person in exploring life after Kennel Lane School, please see the below links to external providers:
(all links open in new browser tab)

Our Careers Leader is our Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Secondary and the Employability strand of our curriculum.  All careers queries should be emailed via the School Secretary, [email protected] or by calling the School Office on 01344 483872.

Alternatively, if you wish to contact Talentino, please email [email protected].

At Kennel Lane School we are constantly reviewing our careers programme to ensure that it meets and matches the individual needs of all our learners.  As a minimum, our careers programme is reviewed on an annual basis during the Summer Term.

KS3 Careers – Long Term Plan – Talentino Bambino

KS3 Careers – Long Term Plan – Talentino Bambino

KS4 - Careers - Long Term Plan - Talentino

KS4 - Careers - Long Term Plan - Talentino

KS5 - Careers - Long Term Plan - Preparing for a Working Life

KS5 - Careers - Long Term Plan - Preparing for a Working Life

Careers Education and Guidance (CEG) and Post School Policy

Careers Education and Guidance (CEG) and Post School Policy

KLS Gatsby Benchmark

KLS Gatsby Benchmark

Provider Access

Provider Access

Employability Curriculum Map

Employability Curriculum Map