Kennel Lane School

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Home School Agreement

Please see the new Home School Agreement and uniform guidelines, (PDF download).  If you require to see a copy of our Behaviour Policy, this is available here.

We would be grateful if you would go through this information with your young person and return:

  • A signed copy of the staff and parent/carer agreement
  • A signed copy of the most appropriate learner agreement. We have enclosed a range of agreements to suit a range of levels for the learner. Please select the one you feel most appropriate for your young person to talk through with them and sign.

Class teams will also be going through this information with the learners. This agreement will enhance our collaborative work with parents and demonstrate to the learners that we are all in partnership together.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions- the class teams, key stage managers and senior leaders will all be happy to discuss this with you.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Home School Agreement
