Kennel Lane School

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Visitor Information 

Our professional partners in specialist services

(including Social Workers, CAMHS, Educational Psychologists,
Continuing Healthcare, alternative placements, Police.)

Guidance for Visiting Professionals

Kennel Lane seeks to work in partnership to support the young people in our care. Part of this work involves accommodating visits from other professionals for the purposes of observations and assessments.

We wish to ensure

  • Consistency
  • That all professionals receive the same level of input
  • That professionals and young people are kept safe
  • Staff are available to support visiting professionals
  • Visitors observe an accurate reflection
  • Disruption to learning is kept to a minimum


Persons wishing to observe or assess students at Kennel Lane School should notify the school of their intentions to visit. We appreciate at least 24 hours advanced notice where possible, except for emergency safeguarding visits. The Safeguarding Policy can be found on the school website:

Person Reasons for visit Contact

Suzi Franklin 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Michelle Higgs

Assistant Head, Support and Intervention Team

  • Attendance
  • Behaviour
  • Family Support
  • Safeguarding
[email protected]
Dawn Day


  • Child In Need Reviews
  • Educational Psychology
  • Continuing Healthcare Assessments
  • Change of placement
[email protected]

The school office will be able to direct your call appropriately if one of the above named people is not available.


On your visit, it is our aim that you will be accompanied by either one of the people named above, or a designated teacher. This person will be available for discussion during or after your visit to avoid disrupting the class team. This person will also ensure that any questions you have are addressed at the time.

Please let us know if you require a room for your use. We have three meeting rooms in school of varying size. If you intend to invite another professional to a meeting or observation, please let us know.

If you intend to meet with parents or carers, please let us know if you will invite them, or if you would like school staff to do so.

Signing In and Signing Out

Please notify the office of your arrival at school. You will be asked to sign the visitor’s book and be provided with a visitor’s badge. Please wear the visitor’s badge at all times. You must sign out before leaving the school site.

Please note that parking on site is very limited. Avoid parking on the drop-off zones as this restricts buses and taxis throughout the day. Entering and leaving the site is particularly difficult at the start and the end of the day, between 8:40 and 9:10am, and between 2:45 and 3:15.

Photography and Recording

If you wish to take photographs or videos, you will need parental permission prior to your visit. You will also need to have informed the school so that we can ensure that no other students are recorded.

Feedback and Reports

Please share a copy of your report or feed back your observations to the school, especially if you write a report following your visit based on

  • observations of an individual
  • the practices that you observe in school
  • information gathered outside of the observation (e.g. school reporting)

Documents and Evidence

We can provide copies of any documents authored by colleagues at Kennel Lane School. This includes annual review reports, individual education plans, personal strategy plans (PSPs) and the management of learning document. We are not able to provide copies of reports authored by other agencies, but we can provide contact details so that visitors can request them directly.

We hope that you find this information and guidance useful, and we look forward to welcoming you to our school.