School Meals
Kennel Lane School is able to provide school meals for all our learners in school. Our current meal provider is Caterlink Ltd.
Please be aware the cost of a meal from 1 September 2023 will be as follows:
Primary – £3.07 per day
Secondary – £3.19 per day
A copy of the current menu can be found on our school website or in your young person’s Home/School Liaison Book. Your young person can make their choices daily in class each morning.
It is extremely important that school meals are paid for in advance. This can be done online. Please visit or download the SCOPAY mobile app to register if you haven’t yet done so.
If you have a question regarding your SCOPAY account, see the SCOPAY Parent Information Page at This page includes information regarding the SCOPAY mobile app, setting up Parental Alerts and FAQs to help with your queries.
If you think your young person may be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) please see the criteria which needs to be met, and an application form, available at t . Bracknell Forest Council will notify school of the outcome of your application.
You may also be aware of the Government initiative which entitles all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils to a free school meal (Universal Free School Meals). It is, however, important that parents with learners in these year groups who also meet the criteria for FSM still apply for the pupil premium (FSM) funding (using the same link above). This will make sure the school receives the funding to which they are entitled to.
Please note: If your young person is moving into Year 3 in September they will no longer be entitled to have a Universal Free School Meal under this initiative and you will therefore need to pay for your young person’s school meal or complete an application for FSM.
If you have any questions about any of the above please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.
Kind regards
Jenny Baker