Our Governors
The Kennel Lane Local Governing Board (LGB), as an academy school which is part of the Corvus Learning Trust, works closely with the Headteacher to provide strategic leadership to fulfil the vision; ‘We enable our learners to understand the world around them, to become fulfilled individuals and active and compassionate citizens by providing an innovative and valuable education.’
The LGB consists of two parent governors (elected from the parent/carers of the school), one staff governor (elected by the staff body of the school), the Headteacher ex officio and 10 co-opted governors (appointed by the LGB). All governors are volunteers who give their time and expertise free of charge to support the school.
The LGB has the following core strategic functions.
- To carry out the Trust and Schools visions, policies and priorities;
- To challenge, support and hold school leadership to account;
- To ensure school-level resources are applied appropriately.
There is one committee of the LGB, The Finance and Site Committee. The purpose of the Finance and Site Committee is to
(a) oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that money is well spent;
(b) ensure that proper control is exercised over any financial procedures;
(c) oversee the development and maintenance of site and buildings ensuring that a learning environment of the highest quality is available; and
(d) that proper attention is paid to the health and safety of learners, staff and visitors.
If you would like to find out more about the role of the Governors or if you wish to contact the Governors regarding a particular matter, please feel free to contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, via the school office or clerk@kennellaneschool.com.. The Clerk will be able to direct your enquiry to the appropriate Governor or committee. All our Governors are very approachable.
Diversity - The Governors of Kennel Lane School believe it is important that the LGB reflects the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for colleagues and our learners. The Governors are currently considering the information to collect on the diversity of the LGB and how this will be used to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust strategic leadership and decision-making.
Membership of the Local Governing Body
Membership of the Local Governing Board
Attendance at Meetings
Parent Elections
Recruitment Poster for Parent Governors
Co-Opted Governor Application
Co-Opted Governor Application Form