In September 2018, Kennel Lane School launched its own unique curriculum, called the TALENTS curriculum.
TALENTS stands for:
The aim of this curriculum is to ensure that learners have a personalised learning journey which has their Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) at the centre of it.
Therefore, the progress our learners make is measured in several different ways to reflect this.
In addition to the above, Kennel Lane School has a consistent approach to teaching Phonics from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 5, with all learners engaged in the Read Write Inc. programme at levels appropriate to their needs and abilities.
Learners in Key Stages 4 and 5 follow our 14-19 Curriculum. This curriculum offers learners an opportunity to engage in a variety of accredited and certificated courses. Details of these can be found in either ‘Pathway A’ Kennel Lane School 14-19 Curriculum Options or ‘Pathway B’ Kennel Lane School 14-19 Curriculum Options.
If you require any additional information on our school’s curriculum, please contact the School Office on 01344 483872 so that they can direct you to the appropriate person.