Primary School Uniform – EYFS, KS1 & KS2
Main Uniform
- Light blue polo shirt with a collar
- Black trousers / shorts / black knee length skirt
- Black sweatshirt / jumper or cardigan. Learners should not wear ‘hoodies’
- Black, flat soled, comfortable shoes with Velcro or laces
PE Kit
For all PE lessons learners will need:
- A blue t-shirt
- Black shorts or black jogging bottoms
- Plimsolls / trainers.
In the winter they may also bring jogging bottoms to keep warm outside.
As part of their PE lessons, learners may have swimming lessons. They need to bring:
- A towel
- Swimming costume/trunks. The swimming costume trunks need to be appropriate for sport and remain opaque when wet. Fashion costumes/Bermuda shorts are not appropriate for use in school.
- Comb/brush
Keeping personal items safe
Please label clothes and all personal items and ensure that your young person recognises new personal pieces of property (for PE or class use) when you purchase them.
Secondary School Uniform – KS3 & KS4
Main Uniform
- Light blue polo shirt with a collar
- Black trousers / shorts / black knee length skirt
- Black sweatshirt / jumper or cardigan. Learners should not wear ‘hoodies’
- Black, flat soled, comfortable shoes with Velcro or laces
PE Kit
For all PE lessons learners will need:
- A blue t-shirt
- Black shorts or black jogging bottoms
- Plimsolls / trainers.
In the winter they may also bring jogging bottoms to keep warm outside.
As part of their PE lessons, learners may have swimming lessons. They need to bring:
- A towel
- Swimming costume/trunks. The swimming costume trunks need to be appropriate for sport and remain opaque when wet. Fashion costumes/Bermuda shorts are not appropriate for use in school.
- Comb/brush
Hairstyles & Make-up
No extreme hairstyles and colours (to include patterns shaved into hair). Only natural looking make-up to be worn. If you have any queries about your young person’s hairstyle please contact the school to discuss suitability.
Keeping personal items safe
Please label clothes and all personal items and ensure that your young person recognises new personal pieces of property (for PE or class use) when you purchase them.
KS5 / 6th Form School Uniform
In 6th Form, learners wear smart casual clothes (no hoodies).
They also need to bring a change of clothing for PE and out door.
Hairstyles & Make-up
No extreme hair styles and colours (to include patterns shaved into hair).
Only natural looking make-up to be worn.
If you have any queries about your young person’s hair style please contact the school to discuss.
Keeping personal items safe
Please label clothes and all personal items and ensure that your young person recognises new personal pieces of property (for PE or class use) when you purchase them.